What Are The Signs Of A Distressed Tree?

Trees are a gift of nature in the sense that they provide living beings with fresh air to breathe and make the environment look visually appealing. While trees offer several benefits when they are healthy but can also face some complications when they are stressed. A lot of times, people do not even have an idea of the symptoms and what the tree is going through, which keeps the problem remain ignored. This could be a costly price to pay in terms of the tree’s health and the health of the trees surrounding it. That said, we will discuss some common signs of a distressed tree so you can call in tree services on time.

Bark-Related Tree Stress Symptoms

The bark is an important part of the tree and plays a crucial role in highlighting the health status. Experts can determine the health of the tree by visually inspecting the bark very easily. In most common scenarios, physical damage or major temperature change can cause the bark to crack or split.

Although, it is normal for trees but not all. If you have some trees planted in your back or front yard that are constantly experiencing this issue, you will need to move them to a different location. The bark is not something that is supposed to regularly crack or split. Otherwise, the tree will eventually die.

This is why experts suggest doing your homework especially when planting trees. Not every tree is made for harsh or extreme weather conditions. Some are made for mild sunlight and external factors, which means you will need to be a bit careful about placing the trees.

Furthermore, if the tree has a flaking or peeling bark, this means the tree most likely has a disease or a pest infection. You will have to closely observe to determine what it is between the two and use pesticides or other remedies accordingly.

Branch And Twig Symptoms

Another way of determining if your tree is under stress is if the branches and twigs seem unusual. If the tree happens to be stressed, the branches will be either half or full dead. You will need to cut the branches to stop the spread of the tree. Then again, you might want to check for pests or nutrient deficiencies.

At the same time, if you observe that your tree is not growing at its natural pace, it surely means the tree is under stress. Make sure that the tree is getting the right amount of water and fertilizer. Additionally, if you come across any deadwood, it could be a sign that your tree’s health is declining.

If you are not aware of the reason causing it, you will need to consult an expert. But, make sure you act immediately and do not ignore the problem for too long. If the tree is dying, consult tree cutting services Potomac for tree removal.

Tree Root Problems Symptoms

It is often the case where tree roots are mostly ignored as they are not as visible as the other parts of the tree. But, you should know that tree roots are the heart of the tree. This is why, if you spot the tree roots above the ground, it could either be soil erosion or improper planting.

As soon as you spot it, you should cover the roots using soil and mulch. In addition to that, if you observe raised soil around the tree’s base, it could be due to unstable roots. You can help the situation by improving the state of the soil.

Moreover, you should also make sure the tree has proper drainage and do not overwater it. Finally, if you see fungi anywhere near the tree roots, it could be a sign of a diseased or decaying tree. You will need to remove the affected soil and replace it with new. Ensure that you use fungicides to prevent the fungi from returning as well.

Environmental Stress Symptoms In Trees

The environment plays an important role when it comes to causing stress to trees. For instance, wilting or browning leaves indicate the tree needs more water. It is important to regularly mulch around the tree and provide sufficient water, especially during the dry season to help the tree retain moisture.

Additionally, the yellowing of the leaves and roots indicates there is excessive watering. To fix the situation, you will need to make drainage around the tree better. Plus, lower the frequency of watering the tree.

Discolored or deformed leaves mean that there is a pollution issue. It could be ground or air pollution. Try to determine the source of the pollution and get rid of it. Make sure to rinse the leaves to free the pollutants from them.

Pest And Disease Related Symptoms

Pests and related diseases can result in a tree’s death within days. If you live in a region where pest infestations are normal, you will need to take extra care of your tree. There are visible signs of insects or damage to the tree if there is such a problem.

In this situation, determining the type of pest infestation is going to be quite complicated. The reason is that pests and related diseases are in millions out there. First, you will need to determine the tree type and consider the season as well. Some diseases and infestations are particular when it comes to hot, warm, and cold conditions.

So, the best way to do that is by observing the signs and discussing them with an expert. You can also try pruning the trees regularly to ensure the pests do not get to the rest of the tree. But you will need to use insecticides to properly protect the trees.

Structural Stress Symptoms

If you see or observe something unusual with the structure of the tree, it could mean the tree is under stress. For instance, if the tree is leaning to one side, it could mean the tree is suffering from root or soil issues. You can put a stake next to a young tree to support it.

But that is not a permanent fix. You will need to check the tree for root damage and improve the soil stability. Plus, visible splits in the large branches of the tree also indicate the tree is at risk of failure. You can help fix the situation by pruning the trees and preventing further damage.

Raised soil and roots on one side can also indicate the tree is unstable. Then again, you will need to improve the condition of the soil and stabilize the tree. But, if the case happens to be extreme, you will need to call in an arborist.


Keep in mind that for you to observe and identify some symptoms, you will have to keep a close eye on the tree. Sometimes, the signs may be normal and won’t need much action. But, if the situation is getting worse, you will surely need an expert on your side. In case the expert suggests you to cut down the tree, look for reputable tree removal companies Kensington who have experienced professionals with the right skills and tools for safe tree removal.

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